Meet The Team


01 Interactive Media Design @UWB:

IMD provides students with an expansive understanding of the processes and methods involved in conceiving, creating, and evaluating technology-mediated experiences. The two-year curriculum, grounded in an intensive cohort‐based learning environment, blends academic theory, human-centered design, artistic technique, process management approaches, and methods for gathering and analyzing critical metrics. Learn more here.

02 IMD Senior Capstone:

This year, Gender Vender was founded as one of six capstone projects. For this senior capstone project, they have four UWB professors who have been advising them throughout the design, research, and build out process. This group will be launching their concept at the end of May and present their final outcomes in their June senior capstone presentation.


Lead Developer

Melissa Jones

I am a lifelong computer nerd and lover of technology. Technology has been a major part of my life since I was young. I first attempted programming when I was about 14. I am mostly self taught when it comes to Hardware and Software knowledge but have also had professional experience. I have worked at companies such as Microsoft, Boeing, Nintendo, and Apptio. Currently I am an intern at Atlas Networks as a Development Intern. For fun I like to hoop dance and play video games. My goal is to become a UI Developer. To me this means someone who can design and implement the design with code. I currently have experience with multiple programming languages and design tools which I plan to expand during my final year (2018-2019) of school.


Creative Director

Nicole Lee

Being a visual person, my interest in UI, UX, and graphic design comes from my passion in photography, videography, and fashion. My creative ability comes from a young age. After winning second place in an art show that my 3rd grade teacher entered the whole class in, I knew I wanted to do something that puts my creative abilities to use. I love the process of designing a project and seeing the difference between the initial design ideation to the final product. Seeing the reaction of clients always reminds me why I love designing. I currently work at the University of Washington Bothell as a Media, Marketing, Graphic Designer, where I am exploring different styles of design.


UX/UI Designer

Sergio Mejia

I am incredibly interested in technology and how it can be applied to solve problems, especially for communities that are often overlooked by the technology sector. My design approach revolves around inclusively, empathy and looking to combine these two values to create the best possible experience for the user. I pull inspiration from experiences in low income and minority communities and strive to design for a diverse audience. I find joy in the ability to explore ideas with a central aim to help people solve problems that help improve an aspect of their everyday lives.


Project/Product Manager

Leah Shin

I tell brand stories through creative marketing, design (UI/UX), and project management. Fascinated by people and technology, and human-centered in everything I do. Currently, I am senior majoring in Interactive Media Design and Business. My work experience has been at T-Mobile, Microsoft, and Jumpstart in roles such as Product Management, Technology Solutions Management, Marketing & Operations Communications Management, Creative Marketing & Design, Technology Product Management, and Cybersecurity. My passion is centered around the integration of tech, design, and business to do good. I have a profound interest to look for ways to support locally run businesses and women entrepreneurs.


Front-end Developer

Tammy Tran

I always knew I loved design and technology ever since I was little. Growing up, I enjoyed coming up with home and room designs and I would play video games all the time. As I grew older, I thought business would be my passion but after takings a web development class, I realized I really enjoyed designing and coding. After finding out that there was a major for design and developing, I took the opportunity to apply to Interactive Media Design and thankfully, I got in. Being in this major, I realized that I enjoy solving problems and coming up with ways to bring awareness to people through design and technology. I currently work at the University of Washington Bothell IT Helpdesk where I get to work with different types of technology and expand my knowledge and after I graduate, I hope to expand my knowledge in design too.